Contractor Transfer During the Holiday Period

The Background:

Contractors working through unsuccessful firms would be given just 3 days in which to select a new firm for a January 1st effective date. In total, we transitioned 30 contractors in a four week period.

The Client's Hiring Challenge:

Following the completion of a L48 RFQ, the client decided to consolidate their vendor list. Contractors working through unsuccessful firms would be given just 3 days in which to select a new firm for a January 1st effective date. This presented less than 4 weeks to compliantly transition 30 contractors, and coincided with the Christmas holiday period.

Our Solution:

We worked closely with the client to understand the current market conditions as well as IRS rates to establish new standards across their three key business units. We appointed a dedicated Account Manager who was available throughout the holiday period to discuss rates and guide contractors through the onboarding process, communicating the Bedrock offerings and ensuring that these were understood.

The Results:

All contractors transitioned on the requested date with more competitive rates than they were previously providing.

Our expertise enabled us to provide better payment terms and more comprehensive insurance packages for contractors, giving us an appealing edge to contractors considering our service.

We standardized ancillary rates during the process, which have since been rolled out to all contractors.